Solar Cells and Monolithically Integrated Optical Systems
1、Materials Challenges for High Efficiency Solar Cells
2、Monolithically Integrated Si-Based Optical Interconnects
3、Monolithically Integrated VCSELs for Biosensing
1、Progress over the past 30 years in polycrystal thin film, crystalline Si, organic and multi-junction cells clearly shows that the efficiency of the current approaches has virtually saturated and the focus on these technologies has thus been largely focused on maintaining current cell efficiency with massive scaling efforts to reduce cell cost. For the multi-junction cells, efficiency has increased dramatically over the past two decades, while other approaches have had relatively little improvement in efficiency because of fundamental limitations and the cell technologies are relatively mature. The focus of these technologies has thus been largely on maintaining current cell efficiency with scaling has been on reducing cell cost.
2.In this lecture, the work on developing a Ge/SiGe quantum confined Stark effect modulators and highly tensile strained Ge and GeSn alloys to develop a Si compatible coherent source for integrated optical interconnects will be presented.
3、The work on developing monolithically integrated Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) for fluorescence sensing of blood coagulation and cancer will be described.
James S Harris是Stanford大学电子工程、应用物理及科学领域的讲席教授。他分别于1964、1965和1969年在Stanford大学电子工程专业获得学士、硕士和博士学位。1969他加入了Rockwell国际科学中心,并曾致力于MBE和异质结器件的研究,奠定了其在GaAs技术领域的卓越地位。1982年他受聘为教授加入了Stanford大学电子工程系固态电子实验室。他目前的研究兴趣是基于超微结构和新材料的新型光电子及自旋器件中的物理学研究及应用。在该领域他共培养了超过105名博士生并拥有超过850篇文章发表。Harris教授是美国国家工程院院士,是IEEE协会、美国物理协会、美国光学协会和材料研究协会院士。他荣获得了2000年IEEE协会的Morris N. Liebmann奖项,2000年国际化合物半导体大会奖项,2008年国际MBE大会创新奖。